New Treatment for Reoccurring UTIs on the Way ?

If you’re a woman who’s ever battled with reoccurring UTIs, you know the drill: that burning feeling, the frantic bathroom dashes, and the general “ugh, not again!” frustration.  UTIs, or urinary tract infections, are a real drag, and for some, they become a frustratingly frequent guest.

But hold onto your cranberry juice, because there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon!  A new weapon in the UTI war is making waves: the Uromune vaccine.  This isn’t your grandma’s needle jab vaccine.  Nope, this one’s a sublingual spray, which means you give it a quick spritz under your tongue (kind of like spraying Binaca before that first kiss).

Here’s the deal: Uromune is still under review by Health Canada, but early studies show promise. This little spray packs a punch!  It’s a polyvalent bacterial vaccine, meaning it targets multiple strains of the bad guys that cause UTIs.  Think of it like a UTI swat team in a bottle (or rather, a spray bottle).  Studies have shown that Uromune can reduce the number of UTIs you get in a year by around 70%, giving your poor bladder a much-needed break.  Plus, it might help reduce UTI symptoms, antibiotic use, and improve your overall quality of life – basically, a win-win for your urinary tract!

Now, before you stock up on pineapple flavored spray (because yes, that’s apparently how Uromune tastes!), remember, it’s not a magic bullet. While Uromune shows promise, its effectiveness seems to lessen over time. This may necessitate booster shots to maintain protection. Uromune is intended for people who experience recurrent UTIs, defined as three or more UTIs in a year or two or more infections within six months.

Until it gets approved for use in Canada here are some UTI fighting tips to keep your plumbing happy:

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Water is your BFF. The more you drink, the more you flush out those sneaky bacteria.
  • Whizz after whoopie: Empty your bladder after getting busy. Those bacteria love a post-coital cuddle in your nether regions.
  • Wipe front to back: This helps prevent bacteria from traveling from your backside to your urethra (the opening of your bladder).
  • Cotton is your friend: Ditch the fancy panties for comfy cotton underwear. Breathable fabrics are key!
  • Cranberry power (maybe): There’s some debate, but cranberry juice might help prevent UTIs. Just don’t rely on it solely.

Remember, talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing frequent UTIs. They can help you determine if Uromune, or other strategies, might be right for you. In the meantime, stay hydrated, keep it clean, and who knows, those pesky UTIs might become a distant, bladder burning memory!

Genexia Health offers convenient at home urine tests. Call (514) 396-9022 to book today