What Causes a UTI ?

A person is holding their stomach in the bathroom.

Hello, I’m Elisabeth, the head nurse at Genexia Health. If you’ve ever had a UTI you know that they can be very uncomfortable. I’m dedicated to helping you maintain your health. In this article, I wanted to explore what causes urinary tract infections (UTIs), how they can be prevented and the importance of early testing…

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New Treatment for Reoccurring UTIs on the Way ?

A person holding up an electronic device with text that reads " new treatment for post-occurring utis on the way ".

If you’re a woman who’s ever battled with reoccurring UTIs, you know the drill: that burning feeling, the frantic bathroom dashes, and the general “ugh, not again!” frustration.  UTIs, or urinary tract infections, are a real drag, and for some, they become a frustratingly frequent guest. But hold onto your cranberry juice, because there’s a…

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Genexia’s Guide to Understanding Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

A picture of an urinal on the floor.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are a common concern in both men and women. Understanding their symptoms, risk factors, treatment options, and prevention strategies is important for maintaining urinary health. Testing for UTIs is crucial for early detection and prompt treatment. At Genexia Health, we make it convenient by bringing testing to your doorstep. With our in home testing…

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