The Most Commonly Requested Blood Tests

A close up of blood tests on top of a table

At Genexia Health, we understand the importance of blood tests in diagnosing, treating, and preventing various health conditions. Here are the most common blood tests we see requested (in no particular order): 1. Complete Blood Count (CBC): A CBC is a comprehensive test that measures different components of the blood, including red and white blood cells, and platelets. It’s…

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What Causes a UTI ?

A person is holding their stomach in the bathroom.

Hello, I’m Elisabeth, the head nurse at Genexia Health. If you’ve ever had a UTI you know that they can be very uncomfortable. I’m dedicated to helping you maintain your health. In this article, I wanted to explore what causes urinary tract infections (UTIs), how they can be prevented and the importance of early testing…

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Ear Infections vs. Mastoiditis

A person wearing blue gloves holding something in their hand.

Our ears, intricate and sensitive, often encounter infections that can range from common to more complicated. In this exploration, we’ll draw a clear line between ear infections and the potentially more severe mastoiditis, highlighting their distinct characteristics in terms of symptoms, evaluation, and treatment. Ear Infections: Common and Treatable Overview: Inner ear infections, known as otitis…

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Sunshine on Demand: The importance of Vitamin D

A sun with a smile and some pills

Hey there, health enthusiasts!  Today, we’re diving into the world of sunshine in a vial – also known as Vitamin D! Sure, we all know sunshine makes flowers bloom, but did you know it also plays a vital role in keeping our bones strong, muscles mighty, and immune system superhero-worthy? That’s where Vitamin D comes…

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What is a Lipid Panel ?

A picture of some blood cells in a bowl.

So your doctor ordered a lipid panel as part of your blood tests. What do you need to know? My name is Elisabeth, the head nurse of Genexia Health, and I have been doing blood tests for over 20 years. I’m here to help you understand this common and useful test. What are Lipids? Lipids…

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New Treatment for Reoccurring UTIs on the Way ?

A person holding up an electronic device with text that reads " new treatment for post-occurring utis on the way ".

If you’re a woman who’s ever battled with reoccurring UTIs, you know the drill: that burning feeling, the frantic bathroom dashes, and the general “ugh, not again!” frustration.  UTIs, or urinary tract infections, are a real drag, and for some, they become a frustratingly frequent guest. But hold onto your cranberry juice, because there’s a…

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